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The benefit of buying local flowers
Typically, flowers shipped into the U.S. for Valentines Day alone produce more carbon than a city the size of Harrisonburg, Virginia would produce in a year. Buying from local growers ensures you receive flowers that have travelled the shortest possible distance to get to you. The benefit to you is longer vase life and better value for your money, and a lower carbon footprint to contend with.
Local flowers are also better suited to provide the myriad of scents flowers can offer, where internationally shipped varieties have been bred for size and uniformity - not scent or color. There is a whole world of beauty that awaits local customers that simply can’t be shipped in from abroad, such as dahlias, delicate sweet peas, and intoxicatingly scented stock and carnations. These aren’t flowers you will find in just any supermarket. The variety of flowers local growers produce is fantastic - we encourage you to go and search out farms near you!